Tiny Living Trend: Are Your Ready to Roll With Water Pipe Homes?

March 28, 2018

Living spaces in urban landscapes are scarce and expensive. Architects and designers everywhere are creating smarter and more strategic solution to this housing crisis. In the Philippines, this is being addressed through micro-condos, we’re talking units from 16 to 22-square meters. These are classified as Mickey Mouse houses or shoebox apartments. Meanwhile, the rest of the world is thinking outside of the box. In fact, they’re thinking circular. Meet the birth of the Water Pipe Home.
In Hong Kong, James Law noticed concrete water pipes lying around and he calls a “eureka moment” just dawned on him. With water pipe measuring 2.5-metre-wide, he transformed them into affordable .29-square-metre homes.
water pipe homes
Ideally, you should be able to cook, bathe, and sleep in just one water pipe. The living room roubles as the study and bedroom, deeper in is the kitchen, and at the back most is the bathroom.

They’re small enough to fit in blank, unused lots and weigh around 20 tonnes, they can easily be transported via a standard crane.  They’re called OPods and while it it is yet to be actualized, other parts of the world have already banked on this tiny living trend.  
water pipe homes
In Costa Rica, Pipe House Hostel has already actualized this Water Pipe home concept. They used recycled concrete pipes and decorated each pipe with a mandala mural. However, bathrooms are communal and what’s inside the pipe is just a bed to sleep in.

Meanwhile, in Mexico, TuboHotel also is a water pipe home actualized. You rent water pipe and they will allow as many guests you can fit in one pipe.

Tubo Hotel in the morning

Are you ready to roll with this tiny home trend?

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