4 Stylish Ways to Store Your Books When You're Done Reading Them

February 19, 2018
Denny Mata

If you’re a bookworm, the idea of living in a condo daunts you because this means you have to let go of some books, given your limited living space. You might have shoved some aside or stored away your old books to make way for the new ones. While donating books is always a good idea, there are some books we can’t just say goodbye to. We say, display your paperbacks or hardbound, especially your old and most treasured ones. How to style books? Here are 4 stylish ways to store your books once you’re done reading them. bluprint interior design hotel journal seshan design kuala lumpur malaysia

1 Flip Those Books

Some books can be really colorful, while there are others that aren’t. Shelving them with the spine out of sight can create a cleaner and more organized look to your bookshelf. Do this to those books that you’re done reading, against those that are still on the to-read list, so it can double as a reading tracker. bluprint interior design hotel journal seshan design kuala lumpur malaysia

2 Build A Tower

From your most recent stocking up on books, you can gather your old books (better if those huge, hardbound books) and stack them up on a pile. From the floor (lay a protective layer underneath the bottom-most book), let the tower reach the level of your work station so it can also double as a side table. On top of the pile, you can put a stylish tray where you can place a flower vase or your succulents and other knick knacks. Use color-coordinated books so it ties up with the rest of your room’s aesthetic. bluprint interior design hotel journal seshan design kuala lumpur malaysia

3 Put ‘Em On A Gallery

Choose from your done-reading list a number of books with the best covers or the books that can easily tie up with your condo’s existing design style. Instead of displaying the books on your shelf, which your latest books have taken over, put them on your gallery wall. Not only do these books decorate your home, but also make good conversation pieces. bluprint interior design hotel journal seshan design kuala lumpur malaysia

4 Let Them Lift Others Up

Similar to building a tower, pile 2 or 3 books in complementary colors on a bookshelf. You can put small piles of these books on your shelves, and top them off with decorative trinkets. You can place a fake plant (or a real one if you have a green thumb; just make sure the books don’t get wet) or your crystals. This also creates a variation of levels in your bookshelf, and acts as a breath of fresh air from your already cramped shelf.

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